Pretty much assume when I do an Album Feature I'm just going to rant about it for the whole time, because it's such a good album. This is such a good album. Personally I think it's Damien Jurado's best, and I can't think of any other artist who's latest work is my favorite.
By the opening track, Hoqiuam, it starts strong with that beautiful cello that perfectly compliments the songs on almost every track. The recording and production on this record is so lush and quiet, but the emotion is so strong the songs are almost overwhelming. A song that really showcases this is the title track, which is definitely qualifiable as one of my favorite songs ever made. is the title track, which is definitely qualified for one of my favorite songs ever made. I'm really struggling for words to describe the song, it's just so powerful. The strings and the drums definitely drive the track. It manages to be quiet but booming at the same time and every word that Damien almost whispers sounds tragic and captivating.
The album keeps the same mood practically throughout the whole 12 songs for the most part, and while some songs start to blend together (like I am Still Here and Shannon Rhodes) I find that's OK because I usually end up wanting to play some songs over, but it leaves you with a really complete feeling when the album finishes (even the artwork captures the same mood). And the lyrics separate each song from the rest. Damien Jurado has a great narrative voice in his songs. I wonder how much of his songs are real stories or if he imagines these sort of things playing out in his head. Either way, it's incredible and it paints such an amazing picture in your head. He barely has to say two sentences and you already get a sense of what's happening in the song. The songs I mentioned earlier, I Am Still Here and Shannon Rhodes really prove these songwriting skills. And I had No Intentions is probably the saddest song I've ever heard, every time I hear it I can't help but feel the tragedy depicted.
I'm a huge fan of pretty much everything Damien's done (that I know of) but I always end up listening to this album the most, and I usually get hooked and end up listening to it all the way through. Here are a few of my favorite tracks:
HoqiuamDenton, TXI had No IntentionsAnd Now That I'm in Your ShadowI am Still HereSeriously, you should own this album. Buy it
Here.And he's working on a new album too, I'm really looking forward to that. I don't know what to expect.
Try to catch Damien Jurado on tour, opening for
Okkervil River:
| Casbah w/ Okkervil River | San Diego, California |
| Troubadour w/ Okkervil River | Los Angeles, California |
| Independent w/ Okkervil River | San Francisco, California |
| WOW Hall w/ Okkervil River | Eugene, Oregon |
| Berbatis Pan (MusicFest NW) w/ Okkervil River | Portland, Oregon |
| Richards on Richards w/ Okkervil River | Vancouver, British Columbia |
| Neumos w/ Okkervil River | Seattle, Washington |
| Kilby Court w/ Okkervil River | Salt Lake City, Utah |
| Marquis Theatre w/ Okkervil River | Denver, Colorado |
| Waiting Room w/ Okkervil River | Omaha, Nebraska |
| Picador w/ Okkervil River | Iowa City, Iowa |
| Pabst Theater w/ Okkervil River | Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
| Logan Square Auditorium w/ Okkervil River | Chicago, Illinois |
| The Canopy Club (Pygmalion Festival) w/ Okkervil River | Urbana, Illinois |
| Lees Palace w/ Okkervil River | Toronto, Ontario |
| Pepper Jacks Cafe w/ Okkervil River | Hamilton, Ontario - |
| La Sala Rossa w/ Okkervil River | Montreal, Quebec - |
| Higher Ground w/ Okkervil River | Burlington, Vermont |
| Middle East w/ Okkervil River | Boston, Massachusetts |
| Iron Horse w/ Okkervil River | Northampton, Massachusetts |
| Webster Hall w/ Okkervil River | New York, New York |
| Johnny Brendas w/ Okkervil River | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
| Rock and Roll Hotel w/ Okkervil River | Washington, Washington DC |
| Cats Cradle w/ Okkervil River | Carrboro, North Carolina |
| Athens, GA - 40 Watt w/ Okkervil River | Athens, Georgia |
| Club Downunder @ FSU w/ Okkervil River | Tallahassee, Florida |
| House of Blues w/ Okkervil River | New Orleans, Louisiana |
| Walters on Washington w/ Okkervil River | Houston, Texas |
woah look at that, it copies the HTML from Myspace. That's pretty cool.
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