I'll get right back on track!
This is a post from about a week ago. Now what I'm listeining to has changed quite a bit (it always changes so quick) but these songs are worth downloading.
Man, I'm sorry for being so slow. I had a great Fall/Rainy post coming with lots of great music for that time, but the rain kinda let up and I've been listening to way more than I usually do during this season. So I'll highlight some stuff on rotation on my busrides to school and back and in my room.
De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising

I loved this album before but it's really sinking in now how phenomenal it really is. This sort of album hasn't been done too much, it's just so happy and silly and fun it's hard not to like. But it's one of those classic albums that gets all this hype from writers and stuff so I won't say much more cause it's a well known fact that this album is considered a hip-hop classic.
De La Soul - Jennifa Taught Me (Darwin's Revenge)
De La Soul - Take it Off
De La Soul - Eye Know
(The song "The Magic Number" got me so hyped on this school house rock sample they use, I had to download the original and it's so good! I have to post it also cause I've been listening to it a lot..)
School House Rock - 3 is the Magic Number
DJ Shadow - Endtroducing...

Another classic album that's pointless to ramble on about. Lately I've been taking walks at like 9 O'clock and this album is the perfect soundtrack. Usually the streets are a little wet and all the lights reflect and this album's so dark and dense, I get into a groove and I'm off in my own world. I think I look kinda weird to the people that drive by in their cars.
DJ Shadow - Mutual Slump
DJ Shadow - The Number Song
Ryan Adams - Heartbreaker

Ryan Adams - To Be Young
Ryan Adams - Amy
Ryan Adams - Bartering Lines
I got the Friend EP by Grizzly Bear from someone last night, and I haven't listened to it much but I already really like CSS's cover of Knife.
CSS - Knife
And lots of Hot Chip. Not so much their albums but their remixes and that new Shake a Fist song. That's hot, for sure.Another CSS track, I know, but I love this remix.
CSS - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above (Hot Chip Remix)
Hot Chip - Shake a Fist
And lots of other random songs like these.
Daedelus - Something Bells (Ft. Pigeon John and Busdriver)
Atmosphere - Between the Lines
Feist - 1234 (Van She Technologic Remix) (I know I posted this already but I really recommend it, I love it)
And I'll spare you from talking about how good In Rainbows is. I'm really really sick of all the blogs giving track by track reviews. But it is good, it's really really good.
I hope that makes up for the lack of blogging.