So this guy Tom asked me to keep posting, so I will. But no one reads this. After 2008 I'm shutting this down (I just want to do my best of 07 post!) so get the best out of this as you can. So here's some more of the stuff I've been listening to (again).
The Blow - Fists Up
I've been coming back to this track for around a month now. It's just so good! Every once in awhile a pop song comes aroud and the melody tickles me just right. Certain notes Khaela hits give me a special feeling... haha. I can't really describe it. I just get so happy when it breaks down in the end.
Neil Young - After the Gold Rush
I'm pretty new to Neil Youg, and I'm sure this is his song that you've heard over and over, but that doesn't make it bad. Rarely can I listen to a song more than 3 times in a day, and in this case I have been for the last few days. Other songs are good to. But just so I'm not posting something you've already heard and have here's Thome Yorke's cover also:
Thom Yorke - After the Gold Rush
The Microphones - I Felt Your Shape
The Glow Pt. 2 is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite albums. It flows so weirdly but perfectly. The lo-fi production works incredibly through out and I just can't resist Phil's voice. Can you? I didn't think so.
Nick Drake - Which Will
Another household name I've been meaning to get into for awhile. This albums so chill. I played this album waking up in the morning before everyone else is up and taking the bus before sunrise, it was perfect.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Hyperballad (Bjork Cover Acoustic)
Why is this cover so good? At first listen the bootleg soud of it sort of takes away from it, but now I think it gives it a real intimate feeling. The words and melodies are tweaked just a bit and the guitar is so simple, but it just clicks. A lot of YYY songs do that. I started getting into Show Your Bones more, I wasn't so big on it when it came out but now I'm really tapping into their more mellow side (if you could call it that).
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fancy
Elliott Smith - Bottle Up and Explode!
I was never as into XO as everyone else I feel like, but now I am. I've listened to it all the way through at least 3 times in the last 3 days now. I don't know if you guys do that often but I don't.
Jose Gonzalez - How Low
Just got this CD from the library. Wasn't sure if I should buy it, I didn't think it would be as good as Veneer, but I think it's up there. Too early for me to tell for sure but he's really grown and his songs are gaining a lot more depth now. Not so stark. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.
Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love - Mayfly
What a lame band name, but what an incredible song! It's a little cheesy but it's one of those songs where you get into it and the cheesiness seems totally honest and real. It's just so nice, especially in this season.I need to keep an eye out for more of these guys. I think they're one of those it bands that are on the rise (I sure hope so, it'd be nice to see more oft hem).
Oh yeah, and that picture represents me... sort of. It's just hard to get motivated when I feel like I have no readers. Expect posts with more than just songs though, soon. These have been sort of boring to read.
In other news, Ghostface Killah announced some more album details on the Big Doe Rehab, due on the same day as 8 Diagrams (!!). Loks like he's staying the route of many classic hip-hop artists and putting a really terrible cover out. Look:

And if you didn't hear about Radiohead's web broadcasting... well too bad I'm not going to retype what everyone's everyone else has already said, but I will re-post that Bjork cover they did. Oooh it's good.
Radiohead - Unravel
And I hate to link to Pitchfork but they have all the videos there. There's lots. Just skip over the annoying pretentious comments.