Not really like I was gone. 2-3 days break, I dunno.
One thing I need to say though.
The day of the show MF DOOM called in and said he couldn't make it and cancelled. You have no idea how infuriated I was. DOOM apparently has this kind of reputation though, but it makes me lose a lot of respect for him as a person. So instead they got Redman to do the show, but who would want to see Redman??? I didn't, so hopefully my ticket will be refunded (my friend's mom is working on it).
I'll do a small recap of the KEXP BBQ pretty soon. It was very very good though. But the videos I took this time didn't come out as well... Bummer.
This post will be just a lot of collected things, like random songs and links, no real theme.
Here's a pitchfork interview with Aesop Rock. I don't like Pitchfork Media really (can anybody like their writers???) but I still read it cause they have a lot of important news and sometimes an interview like this comes up and it's really good.
I've been going in and out of music moods really rapidly lately. I get really into lots of acoustic folky stuff and then within an hour I'm listening to the Downward Spiral in it's entirety. So I'm going to try and sum up what I've been doing with my iTunes and iPod these last few days.
Enya - Only Time
Seriously, this song is amazing. I know a lot of people might laugh or scoff, but when you tap into it, it's totally soothing and you can just release everything. That's what Enya's good at, helping you release stuff. I've been checing her out more because of this track and some is pretty good (but some isn't so much).
Nine Inch Nails - Mr. Self Destruct
I said I was really getting into the Downward Spiral, and I really am. It's an amazing album, from front to back. It's so dark and loud, but it has these great really soothing parts that give you a break so it's not all one thing the whole time, and every track's really different. I can confidently say I like every single track, especially the instrumental ones, which NIN fans and reviewrs seem to not like as much.
Feist - I Feel it All
I wasn't so big on the Reminder, but there are a few tracks that I really like, such as this one. One thing I like about this album is her voice is even more luscious and sultry than her past effort's, which seems hard to do. (damn! She totally should have made my vocalist list. I messed that up). My favorite part of this song is the "oh oh oh oh" part. I think you know what I mean.
Cave Singers - Seeds of the Night
They were really great at the BBQ. I've been playing this song all the time lately, and it's the only track of theirs I have. This is what made me dig through iTunes looking for good folky acoustic music stuff. Maybe some Dylan or Elliott Smith or Iron and Wine. I can't wait for the debut. September 25th (I think). Get it!
Johnette Napolitano - Suicide Note
So tragic and heart wrenching. This song just cuts to the core of sadness. I love the drum sounds on here, and the sparse piano is just enough.
Xiu Xiu - Vulture Piano
Also for when I'm feeling dark. Sometime I'll make a post about how much I love Xiu Xiu, because I can't just write about one song, the whole catalouge is amazing.
Cannibal Ox - Pigeon
Lyrically, Vast Aire is unbelievable on this track. It took me awhile to figure out the metephor in the lyrics (I won't give it away, try to figure it out yourself). Plus the beat is flat-out ridiculous.
Hot Chip - The Warning
This whole album is so fresh and amazing. The programming just makes me go crazy, and the vocals are so laid back and easy sounding. Funky and addicting all around. It seems like I've been listening to this CD a lot this whole summer.
And I'm still playing Gorillaz and the new Stars album a ton, but I've posted enough track from those.
On another note, I just found this great blog, Music is Art. The layout and the content is just really cool and original. The writing just comes from the heart it seems, the person's not some indie hipster trying to boost their indie cred by tearing down some bands, they just write about what they really love and as a result you get a really honest blog.