I'm sorry I've been lagging, I think my post quality will increase if I stop trying to post daily. Sorry everyone, but I think it's for the best. Really! Now I'll actually post when I have something to say, instead of trying to find something to say for every post
I felt like highlighting some of my favorite singing voices around in this post. It's pretty fun to go through your music and think about who's voice you really like. Without further ado, my top 10 (I couldn't order them though, that's way too hard and it would be innacurate).
Sia Furler (Zero 7, Sia)
She is definitely my number one voice ever. Her voice could impress anyone with any standards. She could go on American Idol and totally dominate, but luckily she decided to put sing and write good songs. I can't say I listen to her solo work all that much, I appreciate it, but Zero 7 is really her best. She can sing in barely a whisper, or she can belt it out, any way she sings, it's terrific. Even though Zero 7 is my favorite thing she's done, a song that really showcases her voice (IMO) is this one, off her solo album "the Colour and the Shape".
Sia - Numb
Ben Gibbard (Death Cab For Cutie, Postal Service, All-Time Quarterback)
Where do I begin with Ben Gibbard. Death Cab are probably my favorite band (I can't officially say that cause that's a huge title, but when it comes down to it they most likely are). They basically were the beginning of my introduction to a lot of the music I listen to now. His voice is very stand-out, which appeals to me. Pretty much all of these vocalists, I don't like because of their technical skills but their originality and different sound. The way he pronounces his words is very defined. I don't know why I like it so much, trying to describe why is hard and what I'm saying just sounds dumb. Just appreciate his voice with me.
Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight (DJ Downfall Mix)
Jamie Stewart (Xiu Xiu, Ten in the Swear Jar, IBPOA)
I love Xiu Xiu so much because they're so one of a kind. That's not the only reason, but the thing is when you get in that mood where you want to listen to Xiu Xiu you can only listen to them, anything else I know doesn't really fit in too well. Jamie's voice is so dark and interesting. When he mutters and sings so quiet it's interesting and captivating, and when he yells and shouts it's liberating just to listen to. His dark lyrics really give him his voice, but he definitely would not be able to deliver those lyrics without his unique voice.
Xiu Xiu - Crank Heart
Mark Linkous (Sparklehorse)
I'm a sucker for the really quiet voices. Mark's voice is really almost a whisper. And he knows what sounds good, he has a mic he likes to use live that gives it a great fuzzed out and distorted sound that works like magic! *sigh* I'm getting burned out on giving so much praise and analyzing all these voices so close, just listen.
Sparklehorse - Homecoming Queen
Elliott Smith
This one's kind of obvious. Who can't love Elliott's voice? His backing harmonies always amaze me. He really knew his stuff about music and theory.
Elliott Smith - I Didn't Understand
Craig Minnowa (Cloud Cult)
His range rests so naturally higher than most singers, yet it sounds strained at the same time. That sort of voice makes Craig's yells and hollers sound way more heartfelt. He has a really charming but wierd kind of accent that is only more prominant when he sings. It makes him seem like a bit of an underdog, trying to do the best he can, especially in songs like Washed Your Car or Breakfast with My Shadow. I have a hard time not falling in love with every song they do, and Craig's voice is definitely one of the biggest reasons.
Cloud Cult - Breakfast With My Shadow
Maynard James Keenan (Tool, A Perfect Circle)
But y'all wouldn't have guessed I like Tool or A Perfect Circle, well guess what... I love both! But I'm not here to argue with haters or talk about a whole indie cred thing, I want to show you how much I love Maynard's voice. It's aggressive, but piercingly melodic. Some might say it's a bit over worked, but I personally love it. It doesn't take a lot of listening to hear that he does have quite an impressive voice, and his range is quite exceptional. This Joni Mitchell cover shows what amazing things he can do with his voice. The harmonies are beautiful
A Perfect Circle - The Fiddle and the Drum
Sam Beam (Iron & Wine)
Like Elliott, I always am in awe of the backing vocals and harmonies in almot every song of his. Just by listening you can hear that he knows a thing or two about music and isn't just singing another melody he made up over the top of the main vocal track, he plans it out, and it sounds amazing. It's so calm and soothing, I think it loses a bit of it's charm when it stands against loud music, he projects that quiet voice well but it just doesn't sound the same. But when it's soft and low, it's unbelievable soothing, as most of you are probably aware of.
Iron and Wine - Promising Light
Isaac Brock (Modest Mouse, Ugly Cassanova)
Listening to Modest Mouse's later stuff, you can hear lots of layering that wasn't in their earlier CD's. On songs like Tiny Cities Made of Ashes it sounds like each vocal track is sung by a different person. It's just so odd and unique, I can't help but love it.
Modest Mouse - Bukowski
Thom Yorke (Radiohead)
I must admit, I'm not big on the Bends, or atleast I'm not as big on their poppier stuff as most people. I think their experimental albums and songs are their best because I feel they really make a new niche for Radiohead and I think those are way more influential than the Bends or Pablo Honey. As Yorke's career went on you can hear he started singing in a way more haunting and soft manner than on Radiohead's earlier stuff, which I think sounds way better and fitting.
Radiohead - I Will
Runner Ups:
Bjork, Andrew Kenny (American Analog Set), David Bazan (Pedro the Lion, Headphones), Andrea Zollo (Pretty Girls Make Graves), Spencer Krug (Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown, Swan Lake, Frog Eyes), Kevin Drew (Broken Social Scene), Karin Dreijer (The Knife)