I'm not feeling so creative today so I figure I'll start this idea off... I just post not so common songs that I've collected over the years, and I'll do this every Wednsday. Stuff like covers, b-sides, live cuts and bootlegs, whatever I think is really cool and a little hard to find. This week I'll do an easy theme, covers!
Everyone loves covers, atleast I think they do. I do.
David Bazan - Waitin' for a Superman
It's simple and it's great. I've been listening to this a lot lately. Even if it's not the best take, or recording, I think that adds something to it. The way David's whistle sort of dies, and when he messes up the words, it adds a certain likability to the song. Like he's struggling to get through it. This song is great to fall sleep to.
Ben Gibbard - 26 is Too Soon (Kind of Like Spitting)
From a show Gibbard and Barnett did back in 2001. The whole show is great, you could probably find it somewhere online. Check hypemachine, it's worth it. My favorite part about this track is hearing the two at the end talk about the song with that cliche "no your version is much better" "no yours is". I would kill to go to that show, but back in 2001... jeez I don't even know what I was doing.
Flaming Lips and Cat Power - War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
umm... well I think it's pretty obvious why this one's really cool. War Pigs is a rad song, weather you admit it or not. And Cat Power is cool. This is live at Austin City Limits somewhere. You can find it on youtube somewhere if you desire the video.
Cocorosie - Ohio (Damien Jurado)
I love both of these artists to death. I was so excited when I saw this existed, and it's just as awesome as I thought it would be. The two are not exactly similar artists and I wouldn't have guessed Sierra and Bianca were fans of Damien, but they're pretty unpredictable.
Junip - The Ghost of Tom Joad (Bruce Springsteen)
I love Jose Gonzalez, and I haven't heard much of this side project but this track... ugh I'm tired of trying to describe songs. Just take the MP3's and be happy!
Buy Junip's "Black Refuge" EP
Also, I want to thank Dianna for making me a new banner that's way cooler than the one I made. She's quite a cool cat and is pretty good with a camera. Check her out: aphotyx.org