Don't worry, I'm still working on getting those other Bumbershoot posts out. I know I'm slow, but atleast I'm posting other stuff and not putting it all off.
So last night I was at the Vera Project seeing YACHT, The Dirty Projectors and White Rainbow (those pictures from above are what I took last night). I was super pumped for YACHT but I've already raved about him in another post, so I'll just tell you it was awesome (but suprisingly short). But I had not really heard the Dirty Projectors too much before tonight.
They put on quite the show. They sound so clean, but all over the place and sloppy at the same time. I think it has something to do with the really intricate drums and incredible harmonies matched with that dirty messy sounding guitar parts that harmonize so well. But seriously, their vocal harmonies they come up with are just amazing. The two girls in the band just carry the show to new heights. I got the CD after the show and I must admit, right now I'm not liking it as much. Maybe it will grow on me, but the mixing and recording of the songs sound a bit wierd. Also live the gutiar was way more... I dunno. They were a little out of tune and it gave a really cool raw sound that doesn't come across on the recording. Live it was definitely way more raw, but the CD isn't bad by any means. I think I've got to listen to it more and more and I'll appreciate it the same way. It's interesting though, the newest album that I got is a recreation of Black Flag's Damaged. While I'm not that familiar with Black Flag, I'll admit, I know one or two, and it's pretty wild what they come up with.
But if this tour is coming your way, I really recomend you go!
Dirty Ps/YACHT:
09-08 Portland, OR - Satyricon ^
09-11 Sacramento, CA - Fools Foundation ^
09-12 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill ^
09-13 Visalia, CA - Howie & Sons ^
09-14 Los Angeles, CA - The Echo ^
^ with White Rainbow
09-15 Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheatre (Monolith Festival)
09-22 Melbourne, Australia - Parklife Festival
09-30 Sydney, Australia - Parklife Festival
09-16 San Diego, CA - The Casbah *
09-19 Austin, TX - Emo's ^
09-20 Houston, TX - Rudyards ^
09-21 Baton Rouge, LA - Spanish Moon ^
09-22 Tallahassee, FL - Club Down Under ^
09-24 Atlanta, GA - Drunken Unicorn ^
09-25 Durham, NC - Duke Coffeehouse ^
09-26 Washington, DC - Black Cat ^
09-27 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's ^
09-28 New York, NY - Mercury Lounge ^
* with White Rainbow
^ with Ecstatic Sunshine
Dirty Projectors - Depression
Dirty Projectors - Gimme Gimme Gimme
YACHT - Summer Song
YACHT - So Post All 'em
Buy Rise Above
Buy Your Magic is Real. I Believe in You.