Jose Gonzalez's new video for Down the Line is pretty dark. even though I don't really get it I really like it. It's directed by Andreas Nillson, who's also behind many of the Kinfe's wierd videos. From the two songs I've heard it sounds way darker and a bit louder than Veneer was. I'm sure a lot of people were expecting another version of Veneer, but I'm really happy he's growing musically and making tracks like this.
Too bad I can't find out how to attach the video to this post do go here.
And here's the MP3 plus another new song.
Down the Line
Killing for Love
In Our Nature comes out September 25th.
And this recording isn't on the record but there is a cover of Massive Attack's "Teardrop" on there, and here's a bootleg of a performance he did of the song. I can't wait to hear a good recording of this track.
Teardrop (live)
hey dude,
could you not link to my files directly? (the sleep post) It doubles the bandwidth, and a brother has to pay for that.
I am very sorry, I did not think of that. Now I feel bad, I didn't even ask you. I'm taking them down now. Sorry again.
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