Oh shit! MF Doom is coming to Seattle!!! I cannot wait. He's just about my favorite MC ever. I don't care if his live shows aren't really all that great, I'll be thrilled just to be in the same room as him.And the show has like, a skate demo, a dunksxchange (like... you buy and sell shoes? it's kind of wierd) and live painting. Sounds prett interesting.
So to get extra hyped about this show I'm going to take you through some of my favorite tracks from the masked villain.
Madvillain - Accordian
Man, this is just an essential. The beat is just so great, Madlib is such a genius. It's actually a Daedelus sample! Madvillainy is definitely my favorite hip-hop album of all time. It's fresh and new and completely original and it's so progressive and there's so many tracks. The album flows like... water(?). Every track is incredible.
De La Soul ft. MF Doom - Rock.Co.Kane Flow
While it's not really the era or style De La I like best, this track just clicks. There's one line that I always rewind to hear over, even though it's not Doom.
"They say the good die young so I added some
bad ass to my flavor to prolong my life over the drum." - Plug One
Vast Aire ft. MF Doom - Super Friendz (Edan Remix)
I already posted this song. I really don't have to explain why it's awesome. I only know Vast AIre from Cannibal Ox but every single verse I've heard of his is stellar. And Doom's laid back flow fits perfectly. Makes me really want to check out Edan, and also hear the original to see if it's any good.
Danger Doom - Crosshairs
Danger Mouse, with me, either hits or misses with his beats and in this case it's a home run. When I hear that baseline I get the shivers (or a cabby). I need to hear the original sample. And when Doom comes in with the string section, aaahh!!! It's just so good. When Doom gets the right kind of groove that works with his voice it's just unstopable.
Madvillain - Great Day (Four Tet Remix)
The original is OK, one of the few songs on Madvillainy that kind of blend together for me, but this remix takes it to new heights. Four Tet does some of the best remixes around. And check this line from Doom "Last wish, I wish I had two more wishes
And I wish they fix the door to the Matrix, its mad glitches
Spit so many verses sometime my jaw twitches
One thing this party could use is more *ahem*
Viktor Vaughn - Raedawn
Something about this album I don't like as much as his others but this song really stands out to me. I think it's just the beat. I heard someone say Doom's sick but his beats are shit, which I totally disagree with, as demonstrated by this next song
MF Doom - Deep Fried Frenz
I know what he's talking about. I've got my pals.What a feel good summer joint.
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