This time the lack of posting was due to me being in Virginia with my family without internet. as opposed to me being lazy. I write this with my grandma snoring across the room and as my little twin cousins are running out the door to go to the water park. I had a good Christmas and I hope you are having a good
Continued. I'm knocking them all out now.
Apostle of Hustle - My Sword Hand's Anger (National Anthem of Nowhere)
I had no clue who these guys were. BSS members? It sounded good to me and this song was awesome. But the rest of the album was super dull. They're pretty ethnic and have lots of songs that never go anywhere. But this song just has one of those hooks that stick with you all day. I listened to this song over and over for awhile.
Architecture in Helsinki - Heart it Races (Places Like This)
I had heard a little about them in the past but hadn't really spent the time to listen to them. A friend was talking about how amazing their live shows are and they were just in town with YACHT so I figured they must be good. I still haven't heard the rest of the new album. sounds like there were mixed responses. This track gets me dancing every time.
Cloud Cult - Pretty Voice (The Meaning of 8)
This album's easy to forget as on 07 release since it came out in early January. I could see people thinking Cloud Cult are a little lame on the albums but their sound definitely translates better live. The first time I saw them I was blown away. This albums really hard to choose on good song off of this album, pretty much ev.ery song is amazing. This song is an easy highlight though. Each harmony that gets added seems to brighten your day that much more
CocoRosie - Werewolf (The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn)
I get tired of reading people trying to describe Cocorosie. Freak-folk or hip-hop or whatever... I just think they're very original and have a very cool sound, I've been a fan for awhile. Their new album was good, and this song's incredible.
Bjork - Declare Independence (Volta)
I was not into Volta much. There are a few cool songs but nothing as overwhelming and powerful as some of my favorite albums of hers. I thought her dueting with Antony had to be amazing regardless, but it was surprisingly mediocre. But when I heard this song... man! It's just so powerful and loud. Those are really the two key words. I get chills.
BOAT - (I'm a) Donkey For Your Love (Let's Drag Our Feet!)
BOAT are the masters of writing the best hooks ever. Every song is undeniably catchy and great this album is now exception. One of my favorite local bands by far.
Devendra Banhart - Seahorse (Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Mountain)
Not that Devendra's newest album was bad, but it really didn't do it for me. I got excited when I heard this song but when I tried to listen to it all the way through I got bored after 2 or three songs every listen. The production just sounds really bad, there's no other way to put it. And most of the time it sounds like Devendra's channeling Jim Morrison, which doesn't really work for him (especially since I'm not a Doors fan). But this song is excellent, don't get me wrong. There are a few tracks which I really like.
Dizzee Rascal - Pussy'ole (Math + English)
Old school. This just makes me want to move, simple as that.
El-P - Tasmanian Pain Coaster (I'll Sleep When You're Dead)
This is the most epic hip-hop track this year, and probably every. The intro gets to so psyched for what's about to come. By the time the chorus drops your head is bobbing without even noticing. And El-P's beats are still noisy and heavy as concrete and cluttered but in the way that makes it interesting, not annoying. Plus he gets credit for getting Chan Marshall and Trent Reznor for his album.
Feral Children - Juandice Giraffe (Second to the Last Frontier)
This song is so dark and so different.Those opening coos really grabbed my attention. It doesn't build too much, it just stays in this really eerie state which haunts you if any of that makes sense. Very cinematic to me.
Fionn Regan - Snowy Atlas Mountains (The End of History)
This record is solid. Folksy with lots of finger picking and very charming. This song gets intense and I like it a lot.
Grayskul - The Office (ft. Aesop Rock and Slug) (Bloody Radio)
4 incredible MC's on one track. Aesop delivers a really great chorus and nothing more which is a nice change of pace for hip-hop cameos. But then Slug gets his own verse, and when I was listening to it I was wondering if it would be all that good, as the beat wasn't really his usual style but his flow sounds as nice as ever. Plus the production and the drums are just vicious. Grayskul are by far my favorite local hip-hop group.
Iron and Wine - Carousel (The Shepard's Dog)
I was so nervous about this album. I love lo-fi and mellow Iron and Wine so much I had a hard time fathoming this heavily produced bunch of tunes, but they're all so great.Completely different, I almost think Sam Beam should have gotten a new band moniker. It was tough to choose a favorite but this one always stands out for me.
Kevin Drew - TBTF (Spirit If...)
I still haven't given this album a proper listen, I haven't gone this long with out craving some BSS, but I'm sure it's as great as everyone says. I know I really like this song though.
Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love - May Fly (Ends of June)
I still don't know too much about these guys, but this song is so good! The first time you hear it it's alright but everything is just so perfect about it. Short and sweet.
Menomena - My My (Friend and Foe)
I think a lot of people know how awesome this record is. It's fun, quirky, odd and this song proves it can be pretty sensitive. Another one that's hard to choose my favorites from.
PWRFL Power - It's Okay (Injured Fruits EP)
This guy popped out of no where into the Seattle music scene and began playing so many shows it made my head spin. I wrote about him awhile back, I think he's a nice breath of fresh air. But definitely an acquired taste.
Rogue Wave - Lake Michigan (Asleep at Heavens Gates)
This record really disappointed me. I got all psyched up with this track and harmonium, I was really craving some new Rogue Wave. But the whole album is really over produced. They just threw as many instruments on a track as they could and it really takes away from each song, except on a few. This is one and it's killer.
Sage Francis - Going Back to Rehab (Human the Death Dance)
Sage Francis can sometimes be really odd in a bad way, but when he gets it right he gets it really right. This track is absolutely breathtaking. Lyrically he is on a whole other level.
Simian Mobile Disco - Love (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)
What a great fusion of dance and indie pop (at least that's what it sounds like to me). How can you stay still when you listen to this? This record is solid.
Stars - Window Bird (In Our Bedroom After the War)
Despite what some reviews say, In Our Bedroom After the War is in fact incredible! I don't see how people disagree. There are a few weak songs but it more than makes up for it by having incredible songs like this one. The vocals are so sweet and pleasing, the way Amy Milan says 'ferocious' in the chorus. And the end is so dramatic. Stars actually pull off a guitar solo and it couldn't sound any more awesome.
Sunset Rubdown - The Mending of the Gown (Random Spirit Lover)
What an opener! That riff gets drilled into my head. This album grows on you so fast. The songs aren't so accessible at first but once you get to know them a little better they get better with each listen. This song gets me so riled up.
There are still many albums I haven't checked out, either I didn't have the time or I never got a hold of them. I'm still catching up. These are some
Arthur and Yu - In Camera
Battles - Mirrored
Caribou - Andorra
Go! Team - Proof of Youth
Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
Marissa Nadler - Songs III
Minus the Bear - Planet of Ice
PJ Harvey - White Chalk
Shape of Broad Minds - Blue Experience
Shout Out Louds - Our Ill Wills
Tiny Vipers - Hands Across the Void
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Is Is
Xiu Xiu - Remixed and Covered
I thought 07 was a great year. But I'm sure everyone's sick of all these o7 recaps. I am. I actually really did not like writing these after a point. I'm pretty sure I'm near the end of this blog. Expect one more post after this.
Oh and don't forget the other ones I posted below.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Best songs of 07 (Part 1)

All these 07 lists everywhere are really pissing me off. They all look a little something like this. LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
M.I.A. - Kala
White Stripes - Icky Thump
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
The National - Boxer
Kanye West - Graduation
Tegan and Sara - The Con
Iron and Wine - The Shepard's Dog
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Amy Winehouse - Back to Black
Justice - †
Feist - The Reminder
The Shins - Wincing the Night Away
All the sameness is driving me nuts. Woah, who knew that Spin thought Neon Bible was a good album? Who could have guessed that people like the new Radiohead? I like a good amount of these albums but it just feels so pointless to talk about them, so as a rule for these posts I'm not mentioning any of the afore-mentioned albums. If you want to hear about the, well you could probably find about 2,000 blogs who wrote about them, it's no biggie.
So here are a few to start it off. More posts with more songs are coming
Dntel - To a Fault
Dntel - Natural Resources
Featuring Ed Droste of Grizzly Bear and Fog. Dumb Luck was probably my favorite record of the year. It's ridiculous how little hype it got. There was a little bit of buzz around it upon it's release but it's not even being remembered now, while everyone's making their best of lists. Jimmy Tamborello has mastered his sound. He knows exactly what sounds right when. Every little beep, buzz, or swell sounds perfect. I couldn't just choose one track, but it's hard enough to choose two. I hope you go back and listen to it. In no order whatsoever.
Cave Singers - Seeds of Night
I was sketchy about these guys at first. I didn't think a new band with members from Pretty Girls Make Graves/Murder City Devils and Hint Hint would make for great acoustic music, but they just came outta nowhere with some of the most authentic, new folk music I've heard. I got to catch them live at the KEXP BBQ with Cloud Cult and I was totally won over. Invitation Songs is such a sturdy debut, I hope we see more records from them in the future. It almost makes me not sad about Pretty Girls Make Graves breaking up.
Elliott Smith - New Disaster
I think a lot of people have mixed feelings about calling this a 2007 release, but these songs were all new to me upon it's release so I think it deserves a spot. This was one of the best records of the year to me. I listened to it endlessly. I think it's some of Elliott's finest work and stands up just as well to all his other albums (which is pretty damn impressive). This track is so amazing. The guitar part, the dynamics, the structure, the melodies. There are so many gems like this on this 2-disc set that are big steps outside Elliott's normal sound, and every track works so well.
YACHT - So Post All 'Em
I was introduced to YACHT (Jona Bechtolt) earlier this year when he was onn the bill for a free opening show for Seattle's Vera Project. My friends were there for him, I hadn't heard him or the Blow before. Fuck man! That show was incredible. He had won me over. I went to the table and bought Mega, which is an instrumental glitch album, not really what he played. I think all of his set was from his 07 album, I Believe in You, Your Magic is Real. I can see some people not getting into this record too much without imagining his energy, but for the most part I think it's really impressive and gets me going. Fun, addicting rhythms.
!!! - All My Heroes are Weirdos
I was all over Myth Takes when it came out. I listened to it nonstop. Now that the hype has died a bit I admit it's not as good as it was initially for me but that's not to say it's not a fantastic album. It's the most complete album of theirs and it shows so much growth, and in a way that dedicated fans aren't dissapointed and asking "what happened to !!!?" This songs definitely one of the highlights. It's shorter that most songs on the album but still really fucking loud. Dance your heart out. (Also, in my book this is the best album cover of the year. It even beats Menomena's!!!)
Feist - 1 2 3 4 (Van She Technologic Remix)
OK, I know I put Feist up there on that list, but this isn't really from the reminder. I'm sure we've all got our fill of 1 2 3 4 but this remix kills! It's so damn good I can't believe it. Words can't describe.
Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass
I played this song to death. I almost didn't list it cause I overplayed it and now I'm a bit tired of it, but there's no denying how great it is. Many argue but I don't think this year had the best hip-hop releases. This is one of the few that really caught my ear. I was expecting an album that was all in this vein of dark and excellently produced music, but the album's way different. It's his most laid back album yet. It sounds amazing. Aesop Rock's at his best lyrically and blockhead throws down some killer beats. Definitely one of my favorites of the year, no doubt.
Andrew Bird - Plasticities
It took me awhile till I got into Mr. Bird's latest but this song is so addicting. I think it has something to do with only having the chorus twice, and that's the part that sticks in your head so hard. I always listen to this song over and over again. Majestic.
So here are a few to start it off. More posts with more songs are coming
Dntel - To a Fault
Dntel - Natural Resources

Cave Singers - Seeds of Night

Elliott Smith - New Disaster

YACHT - So Post All 'Em

!!! - All My Heroes are Weirdos

Feist - 1 2 3 4 (Van She Technologic Remix)

Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass

Andrew Bird - Plasticities

Sunday, December 9, 2007
How Chill
So I realized how annoying it is to read blogger's apologies about not posting. No one wants to read that shit. Not me. So I'll post whenever the hell I want to, so that's that.
For this set of music I was coming home from driver's ed (I did terribly) and I went to the bus stop. It was taking forever. I was feeling very chill and just kept picking songs that sounded fit. It works awesome! So listen to this when you're very chill. yes.
Tarkio - Eva Luna
Radiohead - Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was (Live)
Andrew Bird - Imitosis (Four Tet Remix)
Bjork - Earth Intruders (Spank Rock Remix)
Gorillaz - El Manana (Metronomy Remix)
Zero 7 - Warm Sound
The Notwist - Chemicals
Madvillain - Strange Ways (Koushik Remix)
The Roots - Dynamite!
Gang Starr - Betrayal
Sage Francis - Climb Trees
DJ Shadow - Mutual Slump
TV On the Radio - Modern Romance (Yeah Yeah Yeahs Cover)
Feist - Secret Heart
+/- - Thrown Into the Fire
Giant Drag - Blunt Picket Fence
It really gets good near the end I think.
And no picture! I'm too lazy!
For this set of music I was coming home from driver's ed (I did terribly) and I went to the bus stop. It was taking forever. I was feeling very chill and just kept picking songs that sounded fit. It works awesome! So listen to this when you're very chill. yes.
Tarkio - Eva Luna
Radiohead - Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was (Live)
Andrew Bird - Imitosis (Four Tet Remix)
Bjork - Earth Intruders (Spank Rock Remix)
Gorillaz - El Manana (Metronomy Remix)
Zero 7 - Warm Sound
The Notwist - Chemicals
Madvillain - Strange Ways (Koushik Remix)
The Roots - Dynamite!
Gang Starr - Betrayal
Sage Francis - Climb Trees
DJ Shadow - Mutual Slump
TV On the Radio - Modern Romance (Yeah Yeah Yeahs Cover)
Feist - Secret Heart
+/- - Thrown Into the Fire
Giant Drag - Blunt Picket Fence
It really gets good near the end I think.
And no picture! I'm too lazy!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A pleasant surprise

This sort of caught me off guard. I picked up the Easy All-Star's tribute to Radiohead's OK Computer entitled Radiodread, from the library thinking it would be fun but what totally shocked me was how good it was. Seriously. It brings out a side of all the songs that were there, but now they're totally rocking. I actually am not a big fan of reggae in general but this is really enjoyable and easy to get into. Very much recommended:
Let Down (ft. Toots and the Maytails)
Paranoid Android (Ft. Kristy Rock)
Karma Police (ft. Citizen Cope)
While we're on the subject of surprisingly good covers...
Queens of the Stone Age - Christian Brothers (Elliott Smith Cover)
I thought they'd through on the distortion and turn this song into a real heavy groover that they like to dip into so often but they really just play the song how it was intended. The studio production and extra instruments give the song a new flare and Josh Hommes gets to sing the chorus in that charming but tough falsetto he's so good at.
Dan Rossen (Grizzly Bear) - Too Little, Too Late (JoJo cover)
I hadn't heard the original, so I youtubed it before listening to this. It's a pretty average waterd-down pop song and I didn't think there'd be that much creative room for him to do anything cool, it would probably just end up being another band trying to joke around and try to make a top 40 hit good, but he takes it to new heights, it's really incredible. It was recorded for fellow Grizzly, Ed's birthday. Speaking of Grizzly Bear
here's a remix of Dntel's To a Fault which feature Ed Droste of GB, off the album Dumb Luck (Which is by far one of my number one albums of the year)
Dntel - To a Fault (James Rutledge Remix)
Also, check out these sweet remixes from Amplive of some In Rainbow tracks:
Radiohead - Nude (Amplive Remix)
Radiohead - Weird Fishies (Amplive Remix)
That's all for now, enjoy. More playlists coming soon.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A mix for a friend

I got to make another mix for a friend of mine and I finished it up last night, here's a part of it.
Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!!! I've never been a huge fan of this holiday (I'm a big picky eater) but it's still sort of fun.
The Prom - Jean Alexander Waltz
Feral Children - Spy/Glass House
Genius/GZA - Liquid Swords
Soul Position - No Gimmicks
Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow
De La Soul - The Magic Number
BOAT - Last Cans of Paint
Ben Gibbard - Indian Summer (Beat Happening Cover, from About a Son soundtrack)
Annuals - Brother
Sage Francis - Crack Pipes
It may not look like it would flow too well but believe me, it does.
Monday, November 19, 2007
A dark set of music

Some of my favorite songs from some of my favorite artists... for when you're feeling down and blue. Get deep in your thoughts and get emotional. Good for rainy days and night time walks.
Damien Jurado - Tonight, I will Retire
Sparklehorse - Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd Cover, w/ Thom Yorke)
TV On the Radio - You Could Be Love (Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes b-side)
Antony and the Johnsons - Cripple and the Starfish
Cocorosie - Ohio (Damien Jurado Cover)
Pretty Girls Make Graves - Bullet Charm
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I'm changing things up
So as you've noticed I haven't been posting a lot as of late. Now that i's not summer I just really don't have the motivation to keep writing for so few people, which is why I'm starting this new format.
I think I'm just going to post playlists that I make. Most of the time when I listen to my iPod I try to make everything flow and sound as good as possible when played with all the other songs, and then I make a playlist out of them, so I'm just going to start posting those up. Hopefully you'll download all the songs you don't have and make these playlists and listen to them in that order on your own time, but if not atleast you'll probably get some new tracks. I'll try to incorporate new music and new or hard to find tracks into them.
So here's the first one (and it's a big one!):
PWRFL Power - Let Me Teach You How to Hold Chopsticks
Pavement - Here
The Beatles - I Want to Tell You
The Thermals - Here's Your Future
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945
Sparklehorse - Sick of Goodbyes
The Gossip - Coal to Diamonds
Modest Mouse - I Came as a Rat
Apparat - Hailin' From the Edge
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Down Boy
Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde
Devendra Banhart - Bad Girl
Sparklehorse - All Night Home
Thom Yorke - Black Swan
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
Beck - Debra (I suggest skipping over the secret track)
CSS - Let's Make Love and LIsten to Death From Above (Hot Chip Remix)
Simian Mobile Disco - Love
YACHT - Now It's All Over Like the Birds
Tell me what you think.
I think I'm just going to post playlists that I make. Most of the time when I listen to my iPod I try to make everything flow and sound as good as possible when played with all the other songs, and then I make a playlist out of them, so I'm just going to start posting those up. Hopefully you'll download all the songs you don't have and make these playlists and listen to them in that order on your own time, but if not atleast you'll probably get some new tracks. I'll try to incorporate new music and new or hard to find tracks into them.
So here's the first one (and it's a big one!):
PWRFL Power - Let Me Teach You How to Hold Chopsticks
Pavement - Here
The Beatles - I Want to Tell You
The Thermals - Here's Your Future
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945
Sparklehorse - Sick of Goodbyes
The Gossip - Coal to Diamonds
Modest Mouse - I Came as a Rat
Apparat - Hailin' From the Edge
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Down Boy
Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde
Devendra Banhart - Bad Girl
Sparklehorse - All Night Home
Thom Yorke - Black Swan
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
Beck - Debra (I suggest skipping over the secret track)
CSS - Let's Make Love and LIsten to Death From Above (Hot Chip Remix)
Simian Mobile Disco - Love
YACHT - Now It's All Over Like the Birds
Tell me what you think.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Cannibal Ox

The Cold Vein! Man, what an album. I don't thier soud will ever not sound fresh. The talents of Vast Aire and Vordul Mega synchronise perfectly over, arguably, EL-P's best beats to date. Noisy and tight with soulful samples and space-age keys. Vast and Vordul split up their verses in such original and creative ways that bring the song s new life. I really recommend you get this album if you haven't... if this is what you're into. If not, it's what you should be into.
Here are some of the best tracks off the Cold Vein, but I'll leave a few gem's off so you can discover them on your own.
The F-Word
Iron Galaxy
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

So this guy Tom asked me to keep posting, so I will. But no one reads this. After 2008 I'm shutting this down (I just want to do my best of 07 post!) so get the best out of this as you can. So here's some more of the stuff I've been listening to (again).
The Blow - Fists Up
I've been coming back to this track for around a month now. It's just so good! Every once in awhile a pop song comes aroud and the melody tickles me just right. Certain notes Khaela hits give me a special feeling... haha. I can't really describe it. I just get so happy when it breaks down in the end.
Neil Young - After the Gold Rush
I'm pretty new to Neil Youg, and I'm sure this is his song that you've heard over and over, but that doesn't make it bad. Rarely can I listen to a song more than 3 times in a day, and in this case I have been for the last few days. Other songs are good to. But just so I'm not posting something you've already heard and have here's Thome Yorke's cover also:
Thom Yorke - After the Gold Rush
The Microphones - I Felt Your Shape
The Glow Pt. 2 is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite albums. It flows so weirdly but perfectly. The lo-fi production works incredibly through out and I just can't resist Phil's voice. Can you? I didn't think so.
Nick Drake - Which Will
Another household name I've been meaning to get into for awhile. This albums so chill. I played this album waking up in the morning before everyone else is up and taking the bus before sunrise, it was perfect.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Hyperballad (Bjork Cover Acoustic)
Why is this cover so good? At first listen the bootleg soud of it sort of takes away from it, but now I think it gives it a real intimate feeling. The words and melodies are tweaked just a bit and the guitar is so simple, but it just clicks. A lot of YYY songs do that. I started getting into Show Your Bones more, I wasn't so big on it when it came out but now I'm really tapping into their more mellow side (if you could call it that).
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fancy
Elliott Smith - Bottle Up and Explode!
I was never as into XO as everyone else I feel like, but now I am. I've listened to it all the way through at least 3 times in the last 3 days now. I don't know if you guys do that often but I don't.
Jose Gonzalez - How Low
Just got this CD from the library. Wasn't sure if I should buy it, I didn't think it would be as good as Veneer, but I think it's up there. Too early for me to tell for sure but he's really grown and his songs are gaining a lot more depth now. Not so stark. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.
Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love - Mayfly
What a lame band name, but what an incredible song! It's a little cheesy but it's one of those songs where you get into it and the cheesiness seems totally honest and real. It's just so nice, especially in this season.I need to keep an eye out for more of these guys. I think they're one of those it bands that are on the rise (I sure hope so, it'd be nice to see more oft hem).
Oh yeah, and that picture represents me... sort of. It's just hard to get motivated when I feel like I have no readers. Expect posts with more than just songs though, soon. These have been sort of boring to read.
In other news, Ghostface Killah announced some more album details on the Big Doe Rehab, due on the same day as 8 Diagrams (!!). Loks like he's staying the route of many classic hip-hop artists and putting a really terrible cover out. Look:

And if you didn't hear about Radiohead's web broadcasting... well too bad I'm not going to retype what everyone's everyone else has already said, but I will re-post that Bjork cover they did. Oooh it's good.
Radiohead - Unravel
And I hate to link to Pitchfork but they have all the videos there. There's lots. Just skip over the annoying pretentious comments.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween

I'm not a big fan of Halloween but this year I've got a killer Flava Flav costume and I couldn't pass up posting songs with this theme. So...
Xiu Xiu - Brian the Vampire
Wolf Parade - Same Ghost Every Night
Cocorosie - Werewolf
Sound Team - Sound Monster
Cursive - Bloody Murderer
Antony and the Johnsons - Frankenstein
the Decemberists - Shankhill Butchers
TV On the Radio - Wolf Like Me (Live at KEXP)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Rid of Me
This song has been stuck in my head all the time these last few days. But it's OK.
PJ Harvey - Rid of Me
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Feral Children

These guys just popped up on my radar after hearing them a few times on KEXP, and I got a copy of their debut CD which just came out and it's pretty awesome. I've read a lot of reviews that talk about how they sound a lot like Modest Mouse and are constantly compared to them, which kinda makes me mad. They are similar in some ways but I feel these guys are darker and have a more channeled and direct sound that's more well-kept than Modest Mouse. They deserve to be recognized as original artists who have their own sound, not just the next MM. Maybe it's just cause they're also from Seattle. I dunno. But they're noisy and dark and crazy and I really like these two tracks a lot:
Spy/Glass House
Jaundice Giraffe
Check them out on Myspace and buy some songs for sure.
Saturday, October 27, 2007

So I've been kinda swamped this last week, sorry I didn't post. I had a lot of homework, plus I had been recruited to co-DJ our school dance, which took up a lot of time, which was also last night... I feel kinda wierd about it.
DJing is hard!!! People won't let you do your own thing. We got a million requests for stuff we didn't have... we need to burn more CD's, haha.
Also I'm not much of a big dance person (well this dance was tiny actually. My school is small. The room was small and we still didn't fill it up. Maybe under 100). Dancing alone in my room is way different than dancing with and in front of people. I'd be more comfortable if there was a bigger crowd, but I just stayed behind the table the whole time looking awkward and tapping my foot. Not really the first impression I wanted to make at my new school. I don't think I'll do that sort of thing again.
But it was kind funny to watch people grind to Busdriver and Dizzee Rascal (they went over surprisingly well). Things that didn't go over so well: Go! Team, CSS... stuff like that. People kept wanting hip-hop, and we kinda ran out. I thought people would dig the more dancey club music, but everyone just wanted to grind, so we did our best.
Busdriver - Kill Your Employer (Recreational Paranoia is the Sport of Now)
Dizzee Rascal - Fix Up, Look Sharp
Ratatat - Party and Bullshit (Notorious B.I.G.)
Simian Mobile Disco - Love
E-40 - Tell Me When to Go (We ended up playing this twice, due to popular request)
Ol' Dirty Bastard - Shimmy Shimmy Ya
Spank Rock - Bump (I Think this was the best all night. Everyone seemed to like it)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Someone you might not know

While we're in that folky morose vein of music I thought it would be ideal to bring up Bill Patton, a surprisingly unknown Northwest musician.
I was introduced to him by hearing the song Lifelike on KEXP one night, and it was one of those cheesy moments where everything just clicked and I sat down and totally vibed out. I got a few free songs from his myspace but I had forgot about him for a few months. But recently I got a new job at KEXP (I volunteer there for those who don't know. And it's not really a job, but a position cause I'm still going unpayed). I get to review some CD"s so when DJ's pull out the CD they can read a little about their history and what it sounds like and recommended tracks. Pretty big deal right? Right! I think i'ts pretty cool.
Well back on track, I got Bill Patton's "Get's it On" to review and I was really happy to get his full length in my hands It did not disappoint me, I'm amazed he's not better known, at least in his home town. He's played with J Tillman, Band of Horses and tons of other great acts. So here's what I wrote for the review:
"Seattle guitarist Bill Patton’s debut album is packed with beautiful soulful folksy/indie gems throughout the CD. Patton fingerpicks his way gracefully through each wonderfully produced track, including a few very original and unexpected covers including songs by the Beatles, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Prince and the Cars. The instrumentation for songs are often very stark and simplistic, consisting of an acoustic guitar and an occasional drum tap, pedal steel, or vibraphone in the background, which perfectly compliments Patton’s charming and gruff voice. "
I know it's a little cheesy but that's how the other ones look. Anywaysm here are some really good songs you should check out.
Faries Wear Boots (Black Sabbath Cover)
The Devil Went Down to Georgetown
A Crime Fighter who pities Fools
She Loves You (Beatles Cover)
Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm really excited about this post. This has some really good songs, some of my favorite songs, and this is my favorite time to listen to music. So it's like, my favorite post? Maybe?
Summer's been gone for awhile now, and the rain really just started coming down on Seattle (On and off. It was the windiest ever today!). While it sucks if you're not prepared or if it comes down really hard, but I actually like the rain a lot. I take real nice long walks around my neighborhood with headphones on, and it's really serene and nice, I feel totally at peace. Something about the sky with grey rolling clouds and the wet ground and cold temperature I really like. And the right music really makes a great fall season. Come Fall I really get into quiet sad and moving songs. Lots of acoustic stuff or singer-songwriter. It's actually almost all I listen to in Fall and Winter. So here's some songs/albums I really really like in the fall. You should listen to them when it rains and when orange leaves start falling.
Iron & Wine - Upward Over the Mountain (The Creek Drank the Cradle)
This album really is the key of all fall albums. The songs hit you extra hard and they're almost like a best friend. I really can't describe it, but I'm really attached to this album, and any other time of the year it's way harder to get into it, like Summer (Our Endless Numbered Days is a perfect Summer CD though). I really recommend you take the whole album for a spin in the rain with your headphones on, or go buy it if you don't own it.
Damien Jurado - Ghost of David (Ghost of David)
Just about everything Damien does fits so well with the Fall. All his songs are so moody and fit for walking in the rain. His music is like an escape for me, his lyrics are straight to the point and he tells stories so well. Everything off this album is worth spinning in the rain. Well almost everything he's done is like that.
Sparklehorse - Apple Bed (It's a Wonderful Life)
This album is so depressing, but it's in such a beautiful and good way, it's a bit hard to describe. Awhile ago I wrote about how great it is and if you didn't believe me then and didn't download those tracks or just haven't heard it yet here's your chance.This is one of my favorite songs Mark Linkous has ever written.
The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers - Lisa (Redux EP)
There was a week where I could not get enough of this song. This was initially the reason I made this post. It's so incredible, the way it builds. The lyrics are heartbreaking. It's written about an imaginary friend, but it can be applied to so much more I think.
Death Cab for Cutie - Stability (Stability EP)
This EP is often overlooked I think. 3 incredible songs and this one is quite possibly my favorite Death Cab song ever (that's a big statement!). The chords and dynamics are just so much more interesting and engaging on this version, more so than Stable Song (off Plans). It's way darker and the long instrumental at the end just makes me lose myself in my thoughts. I get into this state without realizing it. When it ends I'm totally at peace, it's really incredible.
Fionn Regan - Snowy Atlas Mountains (The End of History)
Oh man, when the drums kick in on this song. It's produced so perfectly, his voice sounds just right. I've seen him play it live and it doesn't really reach the same level. It really speaks for itself though.
Elliott Smith - Coming Up Roses (Elliott Smith)
Kinda self explanatory. I don't think it's fit to go through Fall without Elliott. I love lo-fi stuff like this album.
These are really good in the winter time also, actually.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Up and Running! = Back up and running!
I'll get right back on track!
This is a post from about a week ago. Now what I'm listeining to has changed quite a bit (it always changes so quick) but these songs are worth downloading.
Man, I'm sorry for being so slow. I had a great Fall/Rainy post coming with lots of great music for that time, but the rain kinda let up and I've been listening to way more than I usually do during this season. So I'll highlight some stuff on rotation on my busrides to school and back and in my room.
De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising

I loved this album before but it's really sinking in now how phenomenal it really is. This sort of album hasn't been done too much, it's just so happy and silly and fun it's hard not to like. But it's one of those classic albums that gets all this hype from writers and stuff so I won't say much more cause it's a well known fact that this album is considered a hip-hop classic.
De La Soul - Jennifa Taught Me (Darwin's Revenge)
De La Soul - Take it Off
De La Soul - Eye Know
(The song "The Magic Number" got me so hyped on this school house rock sample they use, I had to download the original and it's so good! I have to post it also cause I've been listening to it a lot..)
School House Rock - 3 is the Magic Number
DJ Shadow - Endtroducing...
Another classic album that's pointless to ramble on about. Lately I've been taking walks at like 9 O'clock and this album is the perfect soundtrack. Usually the streets are a little wet and all the lights reflect and this album's so dark and dense, I get into a groove and I'm off in my own world. I think I look kinda weird to the people that drive by in their cars.
DJ Shadow - Mutual Slump
DJ Shadow - The Number Song
Ryan Adams - Heartbreaker
I was recommended this by an online pal and so I put it on hold at the library. I totally got into it on first listen, it's really addicting. I'm not usually big on country at all, and I know this isn't real honest country music, but it's got so much of a country overtone it's a big jump for me. So I guess I'm a new Ryan Adams fan now.
Ryan Adams - To Be Young
Ryan Adams - Amy
Ryan Adams - Bartering Lines
I got the Friend EP by Grizzly Bear from someone last night, and I haven't listened to it much but I already really like CSS's cover of Knife.
CSS - Knife
And lots of Hot Chip. Not so much their albums but their remixes and that new Shake a Fist song. That's hot, for sure.Another CSS track, I know, but I love this remix.
CSS - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above (Hot Chip Remix)
Hot Chip - Shake a Fist
And lots of other random songs like these.
Daedelus - Something Bells (Ft. Pigeon John and Busdriver)
Atmosphere - Between the Lines
Feist - 1234 (Van She Technologic Remix) (I know I posted this already but I really recommend it, I love it)
And I'll spare you from talking about how good In Rainbows is. I'm really really sick of all the blogs giving track by track reviews. But it is good, it's really really good.
I hope that makes up for the lack of blogging.
I'll get right back on track!
This is a post from about a week ago. Now what I'm listeining to has changed quite a bit (it always changes so quick) but these songs are worth downloading.
Man, I'm sorry for being so slow. I had a great Fall/Rainy post coming with lots of great music for that time, but the rain kinda let up and I've been listening to way more than I usually do during this season. So I'll highlight some stuff on rotation on my busrides to school and back and in my room.
De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising

I loved this album before but it's really sinking in now how phenomenal it really is. This sort of album hasn't been done too much, it's just so happy and silly and fun it's hard not to like. But it's one of those classic albums that gets all this hype from writers and stuff so I won't say much more cause it's a well known fact that this album is considered a hip-hop classic.
De La Soul - Jennifa Taught Me (Darwin's Revenge)
De La Soul - Take it Off
De La Soul - Eye Know
(The song "The Magic Number" got me so hyped on this school house rock sample they use, I had to download the original and it's so good! I have to post it also cause I've been listening to it a lot..)
School House Rock - 3 is the Magic Number
DJ Shadow - Endtroducing...

Another classic album that's pointless to ramble on about. Lately I've been taking walks at like 9 O'clock and this album is the perfect soundtrack. Usually the streets are a little wet and all the lights reflect and this album's so dark and dense, I get into a groove and I'm off in my own world. I think I look kinda weird to the people that drive by in their cars.
DJ Shadow - Mutual Slump
DJ Shadow - The Number Song
Ryan Adams - Heartbreaker

Ryan Adams - To Be Young
Ryan Adams - Amy
Ryan Adams - Bartering Lines
I got the Friend EP by Grizzly Bear from someone last night, and I haven't listened to it much but I already really like CSS's cover of Knife.
CSS - Knife
And lots of Hot Chip. Not so much their albums but their remixes and that new Shake a Fist song. That's hot, for sure.Another CSS track, I know, but I love this remix.
CSS - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above (Hot Chip Remix)
Hot Chip - Shake a Fist
And lots of other random songs like these.
Daedelus - Something Bells (Ft. Pigeon John and Busdriver)
Atmosphere - Between the Lines
Feist - 1234 (Van She Technologic Remix) (I know I posted this already but I really recommend it, I love it)
And I'll spare you from talking about how good In Rainbows is. I'm really really sick of all the blogs giving track by track reviews. But it is good, it's really really good.
I hope that makes up for the lack of blogging.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
This isn't good. Check out
Could this be the end of my blog? I didn't even get to compile my year wrap-up post with like, best and worst albums of 07 and stuff like that. I'm keeping my eyes open. Maybe I'll switch to megaupload or yousendit. This sucks.
Could this be the end of my blog? I didn't even get to compile my year wrap-up post with like, best and worst albums of 07 and stuff like that. I'm keeping my eyes open. Maybe I'll switch to megaupload or yousendit. This sucks.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Two things
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. That's what I get for being cheap and not buying a server and using for free. I can't upload stuff for some reason. But I've got good blogs coming
Second thing. I'm getting really fucking tired of hearing about In Rainbows. And it's only been out two days! By no means am I sick of the album itself, but everyone has their own oppinion on this years biggest album, and it's like everywhere I go I hear about it. Everyone is either praising it or complaining about how Radiohead isn't that good and all the die-hard fans freakout on them.
I like the album, but I won't bore you anymore. Stop talking about it please.
Second thing. I'm getting really fucking tired of hearing about In Rainbows. And it's only been out two days! By no means am I sick of the album itself, but everyone has their own oppinion on this years biggest album, and it's like everywhere I go I hear about it. Everyone is either praising it or complaining about how Radiohead isn't that good and all the die-hard fans freakout on them.
I like the album, but I won't bore you anymore. Stop talking about it please.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Band of Horses secret show.
The Vera Project was talking about a secret show with a secret headliner this Saturday and they said "if you like indie rock you should go" or something like that. I guess you could say I like "Indie Rock" so I was intrigued. But last Thursday they announced it was Band of Horses. BoH are notorious for their boring live shows but I thought at a really cool and small intimate space like the Vera it might be really cool, which it was.
Tyler Ramsey opened with a really nice set of folksy/rootsy acoustic songs. His fingers are long! Like, really long.
He also played with them, and it turned out it was his first show with them. Honestly I couldn't even really hear what he was doing, he just added extra guitar strumming.
But it was way better than I expected. I've never heard the Vera get sound like that, it sounded almost exactly like the cd.
I tried taking some videos but the sound ain't so hot. Not even good enough for youtube.
But I took some pictures.

I should start taking a real camera to shows instead of digital. I need a flash and a dark room though...
Here's the setlist:
Is There a Ghost
Great Salt Lake
Weed Party
Islands on the Coast
First Song
Our Swords
(Some cover song I don't know)
Marry Song
Part One
Lamb on the Lam (In the City)
The Funeral
Ode to LRC
Wicked Gil
No One’s Gonna Love You
Unknown Song (Pretty sure it was a cover)
MP3's from the new CD:
Marry Song
Islands on the Coast
Ode to LRC
Tyler Ramsey opened with a really nice set of folksy/rootsy acoustic songs. His fingers are long! Like, really long.
He also played with them, and it turned out it was his first show with them. Honestly I couldn't even really hear what he was doing, he just added extra guitar strumming.
But it was way better than I expected. I've never heard the Vera get sound like that, it sounded almost exactly like the cd.
I tried taking some videos but the sound ain't so hot. Not even good enough for youtube.
But I took some pictures.

Here's the setlist:
Is There a Ghost
Great Salt Lake
Weed Party
Islands on the Coast
First Song
Our Swords
(Some cover song I don't know)
Marry Song
Part One
Lamb on the Lam (In the City)
The Funeral
Ode to LRC
Wicked Gil
No One’s Gonna Love You
Unknown Song (Pretty sure it was a cover)
MP3's from the new CD:
Marry Song
Islands on the Coast
Ode to LRC
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Last night I was at the Vera Project with some friends seeing Mt. Eerie, the Moools, Oregon Donor and PWRFL Power. Oregon Donor were average, Moools were awesome and Mt. Eerie was enchanting and all that, but I'm blogging about local talent PWRFL Power today.
I saw him at the Capitol Hill Block Party, and you can look at that post for some videos I took from that show, but since then I was so hyped on him I bought his CD and I've been listening to it a lot lately. He put on a great 6 song show last night with his brand new electric guitar which gave him a
really cool sound, I think I may have liked it better. His complicated finger picking patterns sounded strangely fit with the subtle distortion. Sometimes his childish vocals sunk a little low in the mix and you couldn't hear his wonderfully simple lyrics, but besides that it was flawless (oh, it was a litle out of tune at times).
and some MP3's I really recomend
It's Okay
Let Me Teach You How to Hold Chopsticks
Let's Play Drums
And someone asked for this Death Cab track. It's an REM cover
Driver 8
I think it's OK. Nothing special, but worth the listen. It's from some radio session, I forget.
Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm sure this will be in every single blog you read, or already is...
But Radiohead's new album is called Rainbows.
This is the tracklist:
It comes out in 10 days!
but it's wierd....
check it out for yourself
But to get psyched here are the tracks Thom performed solo on a piano for that in the basement thing that will be on the new album.
Down is the New Up
But man.... I am so excited.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Did you know Death Cab are recording?
Cause they are. Back in the studio and all...
Some guy named Tom said I should post about it cause it's newsworthy. And two people also asked for a zip file of that mix I made, which is understandable if you don't want to right click and save each and every song, so here:
22 songs
Again, I recomend you burn it to a CD and listen to it as a whole, that's how I intended it.
And a DCFC b-side:
Rocking Chair
It's a Band cover.
And I recently got turned down by HypeMachine. Lame. I think it's cause I use and that's not compatible. Whatever...
Some guy named Tom said I should post about it cause it's newsworthy. And two people also asked for a zip file of that mix I made, which is understandable if you don't want to right click and save each and every song, so here:
22 songs
Again, I recomend you burn it to a CD and listen to it as a whole, that's how I intended it.
And a DCFC b-side:
Rocking Chair
It's a Band cover.
And I recently got turned down by HypeMachine. Lame. I think it's cause I use and that's not compatible. Whatever...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Do you know how awesome this song is?

King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man
Seriously. Everytime it ends I hear my brain scream "Fuck Yeah!"
I'm normally not into solo's but goddamn! Every single instrument solos at the same time pretty much and it doesn't sound pretentious or annoying.
Plus the album cover is really awesome.
Buy the record
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Super Mix

So my friend asked me to make her a mix, and I happily agreed because I love making mixes, expecially when they're for people. I think I may have made one of my best mixes yet. It flows so smoothly from front to back. I was so psyched about it I thought I'd make a post. Every song!!! That means you should download them all and burn a CD of it and play it front to back, cause it sounds great like that. I promise.
1. Microphones - Headless Horseman (Buy The Glow Pt. II)
2. Dntel - The Distance (Buy Dumb Luck)
3. Feist - 1 2 3 4 (Van She Technology Remix)
4. Grizzly Bear - Alligator (Choir Version with Beirut and Dirty Projectors)
5. Islands - Where There's a Will There's a Whalebone (Buy Return to the Sea)
6. Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass (Buy None Shall Pass)
7. Dizzee Rascal - Pussy 'ole (Buy Math and English)
8. Natalie Portmans Shaved Head - Sophisticated Side Ponytail (Demo)
9. Yacht - See a Penny (Pick it Up) (Architecture in Helsinki Remix)
10. Walter Meego - Through a Keyhole
11. Cocorosie - Rainbowarriors (Buy The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn)
12. Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning (Buy Velvet Underground & Nico)
13. Sparklehorse - Box of Stars (Part One) (Buy Goodmorning Spider)
14. Stars - Window Bird (Buy In Our Bedroom After the War)
15. Tarkio - Weight of the World (Buy Omnibus)
16. Kind of Like Spitting - Scene (Buy One Hundered Dollar Room)
17. Pedro the Lion - Slow and Steady Wins the Race (Buy Winners Never Quit)
18. Wolf Parade - I'll Believe in Anything (Buy Apologies to the Queen Mary)
19. Xiu Xiu - Clowne Towne (Buy Fabulous Muscles)
20. Devendra Banhart - This is the Way (Buy Rejoicing in Hands)
21. American Analog Set - Choir Vandals (Buy Know By Heart)
22. Antony and the Johnsons - Bird Gehrl (Buy I Am Bird Now)
Blam! That's a lot of music.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I'm starting driver's ed.

uuuuuuugh. It's kind of like having another class. Atleast I'm getting it done and not waiting until I'm almost done with highschool (like my brother).
Cloud Cult - Car Crash (Buy Advice From the Happy Hippopotomous)
Blood Brothers - Love Rhymes with Hideous Car Wreck (Buy Crimes)
Xiu Xiu - Fast Car (Tracy Chapman Cover) (Buy A Promise)
Radiohead - Killer Cars (Acoustic)
Violent Femmes - Gimme the Car (Buy Violent Femmes)
M83 - Car Chase Terror (Buy Before the Dawn Heals Us)
Ben Gibbard - Two Cars (Acoustic Performance)
Mogwai - Travel is Dangerous (Buy Mr. Beast)
man this list could go on and on....
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Hoo Doggie!

Days like today make it apparent why I read Pitchfork (not for their review but the news. I really hate them but they report the news I want).
So the Cure were coming to Seattle at the Key Arena and it would have been really cool to see them but I wouldn't want a shitty seat at the Key Arena (it's just terrible for concerts) but I wouldn't want to wait in line with tons of hardcore Cure fans seeing as I'm not really hardcore about them at all, so I just wasn't going to put down that 50 dollars. But they cancelled their tour for some reason and now they've resheduled it for later... much later. Like nextMay and June. it looks like their playing next year's Sasquatch Festival.
WOO HOO! That gets me excited. That'll be incredible.
The Cure - Hello I Love You (Doors Cover)
The Cure - Friday I'm in Love (Acoustic)
Buy The Cure Records
And then I found out M.I.A. is coming to Seattle November 16th! I was really bummed when she cancelled this year's Sasquatch performance, she was basically the main reason I was going, but now it looks like I'll see her yet! I hope... there's still a posibility that it will be 21 and over. It's at this new Showbox venue they just opened in the Sodo district. It's kinda wierd that they have two venues... And the downside of this is Stars is the same night at the main venue. Well sorry Stars, M.I.A. wins this battle.
M.I.A. - What I got (Kala B-Side)
M.I.A. - Galang (Hot Chip Remix)
Buy Kala
And some more things:
New Grizzly Bear with Dirty Projectors and Beirut re-doing Alligator:
Alligator (Choir Version)
Devendra Banhart on Cribs!!!
This is wierd. I wish they did more episodes like this instead of cruising around and checking out everyone's cars and bland rooms with unnecessary things luxuries and things so expensive you've never heard of them.
There's nothing I would like more than to stay a night or two at Devendra's hosue and jam with his buddies and make jewelry.
Also, have you seen this commercial?
I haven't seen it on TV et. I kinda love it cause it's funny but I hate it at the same time because it's such a dumb ad. What do you think?
That picture is by Simen Johan
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Running Dry

I don't think I'll be posting so frequently or often for a little bit. I know that's what I've been doing, but you know... unispired posts are the worst. Plus I've been reading some other blog's and those dudes are way more knowledgable than I am and are doing a way better job, it makes this blog feel pretty insignificant.
But I'll come back, and I'll come back hard! (to my 12 readers)
Doesn't mean to say I'll stop posting, but I just can't think of anything real special to post. Here are two remixes that I think are really awesome:
Bjork - All Is Full of Love (PLAID Remix)
Wu Tang Clan - Wu-tang Clan Ain't Nutin to Fuck it (Bird Peterson Remix)
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Dirty Projectors (and YACHT)

Don't worry, I'm still working on getting those other Bumbershoot posts out. I know I'm slow, but atleast I'm posting other stuff and not putting it all off.
So last night I was at the Vera Project seeing YACHT, The Dirty Projectors and White Rainbow (those pictures from above are what I took last night). I was super pumped for YACHT but I've already raved about him in another post, so I'll just tell you it was awesome (but suprisingly short). But I had not really heard the Dirty Projectors too much before tonight.
They put on quite the show. They sound so clean, but all over the place and sloppy at the same time. I think it has something to do with the really intricate drums and incredible harmonies matched with that dirty messy sounding guitar parts that harmonize so well. But seriously, their vocal harmonies they come up with are just amazing. The two girls in the band just carry the show to new heights. I got the CD after the show and I must admit, right now I'm not liking it as much. Maybe it will grow on me, but the mixing and recording of the songs sound a bit wierd. Also live the gutiar was way more... I dunno. They were a little out of tune and it gave a really cool raw sound that doesn't come across on the recording. Live it was definitely way more raw, but the CD isn't bad by any means. I think I've got to listen to it more and more and I'll appreciate it the same way. It's interesting though, the newest album that I got is a recreation of Black Flag's Damaged. While I'm not that familiar with Black Flag, I'll admit, I know one or two, and it's pretty wild what they come up with.
But if this tour is coming your way, I really recomend you go!
Dirty Ps/YACHT:
09-08 Portland, OR - Satyricon ^
09-11 Sacramento, CA - Fools Foundation ^
09-12 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill ^
09-13 Visalia, CA - Howie & Sons ^
09-14 Los Angeles, CA - The Echo ^
^ with White Rainbow
09-15 Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheatre (Monolith Festival)
09-22 Melbourne, Australia - Parklife Festival
09-30 Sydney, Australia - Parklife Festival
09-16 San Diego, CA - The Casbah *
09-19 Austin, TX - Emo's ^
09-20 Houston, TX - Rudyards ^
09-21 Baton Rouge, LA - Spanish Moon ^
09-22 Tallahassee, FL - Club Down Under ^
09-24 Atlanta, GA - Drunken Unicorn ^
09-25 Durham, NC - Duke Coffeehouse ^
09-26 Washington, DC - Black Cat ^
09-27 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's ^
09-28 New York, NY - Mercury Lounge ^
* with White Rainbow
^ with Ecstatic Sunshine
Dirty Projectors - Depression
Dirty Projectors - Gimme Gimme Gimme
YACHT - Summer Song
YACHT - So Post All 'em
Buy Rise Above
Buy Your Magic is Real. I Believe in You.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Bumbershoot: Day 1
Want to know how Bumbershoot was? Well here we go, I'll try to get through this as quick as possible, giving you pictures and videos of the highlights from each set.
We'll start day by day.
First up...
First things first there's a mainstage show with Crowded House and the Shins.
Crowded House:
Plain and simple, this was not a good show. I was bored, and I hadn't heard them before. I was hoping they';d be OK but I guess I should have known that a one-hit-wonder band from the 80's might deliver a live show of this caliber. The songs were just plain old rock ballads that all sounded the same. Sorry if I offended any fans. Interesting fact though, Eddie Vedder came onstage. It was just kinda like, "oh hey, that's Eddie Vedder". To be honest I'm not a huge Pearl Jam fan. I used to be but it seems every day I like them less and less. Here's a picture (or the best one I could get)

The Shins:
They started pretty strong with Sleeping Lessons. That's just such a stellar opening track. But the whole time James Mercer just looked a little tired and like he didn't really want to be playing that show. They just kinda went through the motions, you could tell that they'd been touring that set for awhile. That plus the sun directly overhead us made the show a little bit of a slow start. But morning gigs on that huge mainstage is just a shit gig in general. I could see the Shins doing a really good show some other time, when the mood was just right. I really wanted to hear their cover of Breathe by Pink Floyd but it was taking awhile and they weren't playing it, so we left a bit early, and then as we were leaving I them strike the song up. Damn, I missed out. Oh well. But as we were leaving we heard someone mutter "they're song stealers!" which made my laugh.
I took a little break and met up with tons of people I didn't want to see. Soaked in the festivites and food and made my way over to my friend's neighbor's band...
These guys are alright. But it turned out this was their last show ever. I don't think they had a very long run. But they're kinda fun live. Their music is a bit mediocre but they've got a nice vibe going on. But man, the skychurch's background animations kept distracting me. There was this one pattern I just couldn't figure out what was happening. It was some sort of thing spinning but there was like 100 things going on at once. I love that venue though. I saw Cloud Cult there last year and that was one of the best show's I think I've ever seen.

Next we dashed over to the KEXP stage for
I was most excited for them today. I forgot they were bringing their choir. Turns out it was only their second show with the choir. Man was it stellar. The choir came on in sweet outfits singing Rotten Hell (or what sounded like it), and then they tore into The Pelican. I only know the material from Friend & Foe so I didn't recognize every song, but I enjoyed every one. The choir really brought the songs to new heights, especially on My, My and the epic closer of Rotten Hell. Man are they cool.

(Youtube's not liking my videos right now, I'll put these up soon)
Afterwards, our next few shows were at the same stage with 30 minute gaps between each set so we got to relax in the grass and rest our backs and feet. Next on our list was....
To be honest I wasn't expecting it to be all that great, I was sort of into his music and I had a CD but I got tired of it quick. Something about their live show really gets me into their music. Now I've had Or Give me Death on my speakers constantly this last week. The crowd was so psyced for them, the energy was great. The highlight was their cover of R. Kelly's I'm a Flirt. They said they learned it on their van ride to Lollapalooza but now they've mastered it, so I think it was one of the first times they played it live. They finished their set early so they were just pulling songs out of thin air I think for the last few. And another bonus: I think this was the only time I've ever seen a band play a song requested from the audience (they played Heart Design). Unfortunately I did not get some of the best moments on video but these should suffice:
So after that we took a longer break. We tried to peak in to see Rodriga Y Gabriella but it was packed to the limit, I couldn't see anything. So we sat in the food court for awhile and saw some friends and talked. But before we knew it Devotchka was starting!
I honestly did not know what to expect, I hadn't heard much before. But man, oh man, they blew me away! Serious theremin playing and whistling from the lead guy, and when the time came his fingers flew across the strings. And the violinist played like nothing I'd heard before. The only part I didn't like is the tuba. Tuba's sound terrible, I don't think I'd enjoy any tuba part in a song. But it just played the bass part which blended in easily, and the other 3 memebers attracted enough attention to themselves. It was epic and danceable at the same time. I think they did an encore but we had to leave a bit early, when their first set ended. I couldn't get any video or pictures from where I was, but here's a great one of "How It Ends" I found.
We'll start day by day.
First up...
First things first there's a mainstage show with Crowded House and the Shins.
Crowded House:
Plain and simple, this was not a good show. I was bored, and I hadn't heard them before. I was hoping they';d be OK but I guess I should have known that a one-hit-wonder band from the 80's might deliver a live show of this caliber. The songs were just plain old rock ballads that all sounded the same. Sorry if I offended any fans. Interesting fact though, Eddie Vedder came onstage. It was just kinda like, "oh hey, that's Eddie Vedder". To be honest I'm not a huge Pearl Jam fan. I used to be but it seems every day I like them less and less. Here's a picture (or the best one I could get)

The Shins:
They started pretty strong with Sleeping Lessons. That's just such a stellar opening track. But the whole time James Mercer just looked a little tired and like he didn't really want to be playing that show. They just kinda went through the motions, you could tell that they'd been touring that set for awhile. That plus the sun directly overhead us made the show a little bit of a slow start. But morning gigs on that huge mainstage is just a shit gig in general. I could see the Shins doing a really good show some other time, when the mood was just right. I really wanted to hear their cover of Breathe by Pink Floyd but it was taking awhile and they weren't playing it, so we left a bit early, and then as we were leaving I them strike the song up. Damn, I missed out. Oh well. But as we were leaving we heard someone mutter "they're song stealers!" which made my laugh.
I took a little break and met up with tons of people I didn't want to see. Soaked in the festivites and food and made my way over to my friend's neighbor's band...
These guys are alright. But it turned out this was their last show ever. I don't think they had a very long run. But they're kinda fun live. Their music is a bit mediocre but they've got a nice vibe going on. But man, the skychurch's background animations kept distracting me. There was this one pattern I just couldn't figure out what was happening. It was some sort of thing spinning but there was like 100 things going on at once. I love that venue though. I saw Cloud Cult there last year and that was one of the best show's I think I've ever seen.

Next we dashed over to the KEXP stage for
I was most excited for them today. I forgot they were bringing their choir. Turns out it was only their second show with the choir. Man was it stellar. The choir came on in sweet outfits singing Rotten Hell (or what sounded like it), and then they tore into The Pelican. I only know the material from Friend & Foe so I didn't recognize every song, but I enjoyed every one. The choir really brought the songs to new heights, especially on My, My and the epic closer of Rotten Hell. Man are they cool.

(Youtube's not liking my videos right now, I'll put these up soon)
Afterwards, our next few shows were at the same stage with 30 minute gaps between each set so we got to relax in the grass and rest our backs and feet. Next on our list was....
To be honest I wasn't expecting it to be all that great, I was sort of into his music and I had a CD but I got tired of it quick. Something about their live show really gets me into their music. Now I've had Or Give me Death on my speakers constantly this last week. The crowd was so psyced for them, the energy was great. The highlight was their cover of R. Kelly's I'm a Flirt. They said they learned it on their van ride to Lollapalooza but now they've mastered it, so I think it was one of the first times they played it live. They finished their set early so they were just pulling songs out of thin air I think for the last few. And another bonus: I think this was the only time I've ever seen a band play a song requested from the audience (they played Heart Design). Unfortunately I did not get some of the best moments on video but these should suffice:
So after that we took a longer break. We tried to peak in to see Rodriga Y Gabriella but it was packed to the limit, I couldn't see anything. So we sat in the food court for awhile and saw some friends and talked. But before we knew it Devotchka was starting!
I honestly did not know what to expect, I hadn't heard much before. But man, oh man, they blew me away! Serious theremin playing and whistling from the lead guy, and when the time came his fingers flew across the strings. And the violinist played like nothing I'd heard before. The only part I didn't like is the tuba. Tuba's sound terrible, I don't think I'd enjoy any tuba part in a song. But it just played the bass part which blended in easily, and the other 3 memebers attracted enough attention to themselves. It was epic and danceable at the same time. I think they did an encore but we had to leave a bit early, when their first set ended. I couldn't get any video or pictures from where I was, but here's a great one of "How It Ends" I found.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My Many Moods

I just got M.I.A.'s new album, and it's pretty fucking fantastic. It's going on my best of 07 list for sure. I do this a lot, where I go into one mood for part of the day, and then I'm listening to the exact oposite. After I wear myself out by dancing in my room to Kala, I've been getting into Sparklehorse and Damien Jurado again. Especially the Ghost of David by Damien Jurado. That album used to be overlooked by me, for some strange reason. I always listened to it at the wrong times, like when I was reading something I would put a song on in the background and get bored, but when I sat down and actually listened to it with my full attention I got it. It's a really great album, front to back. It's one of the more personal sounding records he's down,, in my oppinion, probably just because it sounds pretty lo-fi. I'm convinced this man can do no wrog. Every album of his is excellent, and every time I listen to him my admiration just grows.
Here are my favorites from Ghost of David:
Great Today
Parking Lot
Buy The Ghost of David
Now about Kala. I know all the blogs are raving about it and M.I.A. is hot on the town right now, but sometimes you've just gotta forget about all the buzz and really pay the music some attention (I'm not saying that you don't... that's just a bad habit of mine, I get sick of hearing about things so I don't pay it attention). I shrugged it off at first after hearing Boyz and Hit That. I thought Bird Flu was great, but then those two tracks just annoyed me. But Hit That's not even on the album, and Boyz is the only track I don't like. It sounds like a more advanced Arular, there's more depth, but at the same time it's more fun and less serious. This is how sophomore albums should be done.
Bamboo Banger
Buy Kala
In other news...
If you read any other music blogs or have a myspace (which qualifies everyone reading this blog I bet) you've got the new Band of Horses track. I think it's really really good. That's pretty much all I can think of to say about it. It's good, and louder and faster than normal BoH. But not by much. Download it at their myspace.
Also, Sage Francis is having a remix contest, if you'd like to take a crack at Hoove Tracks in the Sand. Check it out here.
I bought Know By Heart by the Amaerican Analog Set, and I'm really loving it. I had a few tracks before but I knew i needed to buy some albums, and I don't regret it at all.
Million Young
Aaron & Maria
And I've been listening to lots of Kind of Like Spitting. Expect a blog feature about them soon!
And I thought I should let you know I won't be blogging for another little while, Bumbershoot is this weekend!!! And this time i will give a full recap of it, with pictures and videos, but as a result it will probably take me aa little while also because school is starting on Wednsday for me. I'm pretty pumped. Hope this post will hold you over.
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